The Display Tab


The Display Tab contains various options related to displaying the model.

“Representation” changes the way the model is displayed in the viewport

3D Glyphs: show the 3D glyphs at the underlying points

Outline: display the bounding box of the model

Point Gaussian: show the underlying points as solid spheres

Points: show the underlying points as solid dots

Surface: hide the underlying polygons, faces, etc.

Surface With Edges: display the surface and the underlying edges

Wireframe: display the wireframe of the underlying structures

When viewing the mesh of an object, it may be worth switching the representation to “Wireframe” or “Surface with edges”


The model can be colored by certain variables, which could not be done with “Color By” menu. For example, we can color the ChesapeakeBayContour introduced in Discrete Session with its Z coordinate.



Opacity: control the transparency of the model


Specular: control the specularity of the model


Translation: translate the model in 3D

Scale: scale the model

Orientation: define the orientation of the model

Origin: define the center of the model


Data Axes Grid: display axes grid that helps to visualize the data

Maximum Number of Labels: control the number of labels